Easter Camp
21st April 2016
The Residential camp saw 36 swimmers from the Academy squads thoroughly enjoy three days at Tonbridge Boys School. The Camp started with a gruelling boot campsession, two hours in the pool and finished off with a fantastic presentation on nutrition and hydration by one of our very own parents, Vicky Turton, which included a tasting session. YUM!!
Tuesday began with meeting Chris Cook then led straight into a tough endurance pool set he had devised. Then the swimmers divided into two groups, half spin class and half fitness yoga. After lunch Chris ran a highly motivational presentation and Q&A. Then onto another pool session with Chris and finally a well deserved BBQ laid on by the school.
Wednesday saw another stamina based morning pool session followed by the group dividing and swapping activities from the previous day, after lunch the swimmers met Dan Sly from Canterbury University for their Sports Psychology presentation. The swimmers were then met by Team GB swimmer Michael Gunning who ran their mobilisation set before running a two hour skills set on Fly and Starts and Turns. Finally after supper parents arrived to meet their fully motivated and worn out children.
The Non-Residential camp ran over the following weekend again with Boot camp Training, Spin Class, two hours pool skills sets per day, nutrition and hydration for swimmers and sports psychology classes as well as lunch laid on by the school.
I hope the children enjoyed their time at camp this year and learnt a lot and feel motivated and hopefully more determined, and I for one am looking forward to next year already!!
We asked a two of our Platinum swimmers to tell us what they thought of the camps. Here's what they told us...
"I would like to start off by saying how much I loved Easter camp, it was great fun and very enjoyable. I got to spend time with my friends at the same time as doing what I enjoy most, swimming.
Having 2 GB swimmers come to camp this year was brilliant. I really enjoyed the boot camp and Chris Cook's motivational talk. Also the Chris Cook sets were enjoyable, but very hard work.
For me meeting Michael Gunning, was amazing as he is a butterflyer. It was interesting to hear that he went to Kent's this year just like we did and how you can make your dream a reality. I have learnt a lot over my time at Easter camp, that other activities like Sp
in and Yoga can really help my swimming but above all I learnt that you just have to get up and try again". By Elle Nikhwai
"The first thing we did at Easter camp was see our accommodation, it was 5 star! The rooms were great - one that we spent a lot of time in the evenings was the TV room. The nights were great fun!
Land training included a boot camp, yoga and spinning on the balcony which was hard yet fulfilling and fun. Pool training was hard in both a endurance and a technical sense. Chris Cook and Michael Gunning were two top swimmers who took us for pool sessions. Chis also gave a very motivational presentation which worked! Vicky Turton taught us about nutrition and I now try and make a shake for after each training session!
Overall this years residential camp was an unforgettable experience, even better than last year. Everyone became much better friends, due to the absence of our phones. Food was five star and the cake was to die for. The best moment for me was holding Chris Cook's medal. Thank you to everyone who helped make the camp such a good success". By Leo Sneddon
A heartfelt thank you to everyone involved in making our Camps so brilliant, especially all the coaches, parent helpers, dormitory monitors and elite swimmers who made it all possible. A special thank you to Simon Killick for being the driving force behind what is rapidly becoming a key feature of the Monson swimming calendar. Great job everyone!
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